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Special Issue

Selected Papers from the 21st International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC 2022)

The scope of the Special Issue is devoted to all aspects of dynamics of the luminescence phenomenon. In particular, it focuses on spectroscopy and excited state dynamics of doped clusters, insulators and semiconductors, excited state dynamics of macromolecules, biomolecules, nanoscale, and single nano-object, coherent, nonlinear, and high-resolution spectroscopy, dynamics of photovoltaic and photocatalysis materials as well as optical control and detection of quantum systems. The collected articles provide a broad overview of new trends in the field of luminescence and promising applications, as well as give insight into future advances and research opportunities in the field.

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 16-Dec-2022

Manuscripts should be submitted using the online submission system of the journal at

Authors should select article type ‘VSI: DPC 2022, Wroclaw, Poland ’ during the submission.

The author guidance could be found at